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Kasey Briske - Coursework Showcase

Children's Literature in Film

Fidelity to Original


Used film and text to explore the issue of fidelity to original when converting literature to film, as well as how social issues are often embedded in film. 

Final Paper

The purpose of this assignment was to synthesize the concepts of the course into a comprehensive paper.  We considered how this knowledge might inform our teaching.

Methods of Writing Instruction

Struggling Writers

This is a brief reflection on an exercise in attempting to understand the perspective of struggling writers.  We role played as struggling writers by "handicapping" ourselves in different ways that mimicked the typical deficiencies of writers who struggle.​

What Sound Is

This poem was produced when I submitted a piece of narrative writing for a model lesson.  Professor Certo sent this back as a "found poem" that she had pulled out of what I had written, as a demonstration of how writers can help each other be better writers. 

Music That Moves

The Nature and Design of

Compelling Experiences

Reflection Blog

This blog was a place to reflect on the work we did throughout the course.  It was a means of thinking about what we were learning and putting it into writing so that we could benefit from each other's thinking.​

Music That Moves

The purpose of this project was to choose and analyze a piece of music, and then to transfer the musical analysis to the concept of compelling educational experiences.​

Concepts of a Learning Society

Hamlet's Blackberry

The final unit in this course dealt with the issue of technology, how it does or doesn't assist us as learners, or improve our human condition.  This paper explores the concepts put forth by William Powers and how they relate to the concept of a Learning Society.​

Instruction in Inclusive Classrooms

Unit Plan

I designed this Social Studies Unit Plan.  It  incorporates elements of inclusion. These elements include Big Ideas, variations in presentation delivery, and multiple means of assessment.  It includes a section providing evidence that the teaching practices learned in the course were incorporated into the plan.​

Reciprocal Teaching

This Power Point presentation on reciprocal teaching was part of a Professional Development group project.  It was one of many artifacts created for a two day PD focused on how to implement inclusion in the classroom.​

Literature Position

Synthesis of concepts covered in the course and an explanation of what I see literature doing in my classroom.​

Methods and Materials for Teaching

Children's and Adolescent Literature

Multicultural Literature

This paper was a response to a three week unit on multicultural literature.  We read five books and several articles, viewed blogs and websites, and referenced relevant sections in the course textbook.  We also had several discussions.  We focused our study on the Abenaki Indians and the Vermont Eugenics Project, and "issues of truth" in historical and biographical literature.​

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